Affaires étrangères (podcast)

Subject: French

Type: Podcast

By: Christine Ockrent

Affaires etrangeres podcast logos

How long is it?

There are 498 episodes. The episodes are around one hour long.


Is it easy to understand?

It may be difficult to follow for complete beginners.


Who is it for?

It is aimed at anyone with an interest in world news.


How recent is it?

Affaires étrangères began in 2013 and continues to release episodes to this day.

A sample of episode titles from Affaires étrangères

Élections britanniques : une alternance apaisée

Plus de vieux, moins d’enfants : le monde en transition

La militarisation de l’espace

Ukraine, Gaza : la diplomatie entre deux guerres

80 ans après : l’état de l’Alliance Atlantique

La guerre au Proche-Orient et la justice internationale

Vu du Japon : l’axe Russie-Chine et la recomposition de l’ordre international

Taylor Swift : mondialisation, politique et algorithmes

La recomposition du monde : dialogue Ghassan Salamé/Thomas Gomart

Xi Jinping bientôt à Paris : les enjeux pour la France et l’Europe

Iran-Israël : les limites de la dissuasion

Présidentielle américaine : justice et désinformation

Gaza : l’impuissance internationale

Européenes : une campagne sous tensions

TikTok : algorithmes et mondialisation

Sénégal : la démocratie sur la braise

Russie : le simulacre de l’élection présidentielle

Les États-Unis : la campagne s’accélère

l’Ukraine, deux ans après

Russie : le martyre de Navalny

My thoughts…

Can you learn a language by listening to it?

I think we can learn languages by listening, or at the very least, we can make great strides in our progress. We all learnt our first languages by listening, so it must be possible to do the same when we are older. However, it’s not that simple. We are unlikely to be immersed in the new language we want to learn, as infants are, unless we travel to another country and spend a long time there. Even then, we can get by pretty well in some places without absorbing anything, as long as they have self-service checkouts and digital menus. Nevertheless, some activities are very useful and do not require a plane ticket, such as watching a movie in French (with French subtitles), watching a French TV programme for kids, listening to the News in Slow French podcast or listening to a French audiobook.